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Why haven’t I heard of thermography before?In the beginning, Thermography was not accepted by many doctors due to a handful of untrained thermographers interpreting their own scans. A lot has changed since the early nineties, and thermal imaging is better than ever, worldwide—including Australia, Europe, and Asia.
Who reads my scans?Scans are interpreted by Board Certified Medical Doctors who have a special certification in thermal interpretation.
Does Thermography Diagnosis and Prognosis health issues like Cancer, IBS or Autoimmune? "No. THERMOGRAPHYis a clinical imaging procedure of the body that aids in the diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases, physical injuries, unexplained pain and other conditions through detection and monitoring of thermal abnormalities present in the body.
What can Thermography detect?Thermography can detect inflammation and pain (local or referred), chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, thyroid concerns, lymph congestion, phlebitis, vasculitis, TMJ, dental pathology, sinus problems, carotid arteries and many other health issues.
What is the difference between thermography and other diagnostic tools?Thermography is unique in its capability to show physiological change and metabolic processes in the body. Mammography assesses anatomically (mass) and thermography assesses function (inflammatory). X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound, and MRI’s are all tests of ‘anatomy’ that measure the structures of your body.
In regards to breast thermography does this process squeeze the breast while emitting radiation?NO and NO! A picture is taken about four feet away and there is no contact to your body. The scan is pain and radiation free!
My doctor states he doesn’t know enough about thermal imaging and demands I still get a mammogram. What do I do?Tell your doctor to do some research at (information, case studies). Also, there are downloadable studies at (see radiation question above). Tell your Doctor you have concerns with low-level radiation and how it effects DNA. There are over 800 studies on thermography. Hand her (or him) the 2004 Heyes study on radiation. If not thermography, ask for a different method (ultrasound, breast MRI, ductal lavage) as a substitute (see mammogram article). In any case, thermography can be used in conjunction with a mammogram by assessing false-positives or concurring with a sketchy mammogram.
Do I need to have a doctor’s referral in order to have this scan?No, you do not need a referral if you are paying out of pocket or have a flex spending account. If you are submitting this procedure through an insurance company, they are more likely to reimburse if referred by a Doctor.
I have heard a lot about radiation. Should I be concerned?YES. Please visit for downloadable studies on the dangers of low-level radiation (2002 Brenner, 2003 Parisky, 2004 Heyes). Each time a woman gets a mammogram, she is increasing her chance of getting cancer by about five percent.
How often will I need a thermography scan?After your initial breast scan, a second scan is highly suggested at three months to set a baseline. If there is no change from the first scan to the second, yearly scans are appropriate unless changes occur in the body that need further monitoring.
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